
PHS Sports Jan. 31-Feb. 6
Updated on 09/06/2022
Updated on 09/06/2022
Monday, Jan. 31
Wrestling home vs. Ashland, Retro theme & Senior Night, Live Stream, 6 pm
Tuesday, Feb. 1
Basketball home vs. Hidden Valley, Sports Night theme, Live Stream of Varsity Games. 4;15, 6 and 7:30 pm
Wednesday, Feb. 2
Wrestling at Cascade Christian, 6 pm
JPAL Soccer, 6 pm
Thursday, Feb. 3
Basketball at Henley. Boys and Girls. Girls depart at noon, JV and JV2 boys at 1:30
Friday, Feb. 4
Swimming at Grants Pass YMCA, 2 pm. 10:45 am depart
Sunday, Feb. 6
Bowling at District Tournament, Roseburg, 9 am